by ITNS Consulting | | Best Practices, Business, Compliance, Risk Management
By adopting a Compliance First Mindset, when choosing solutions and vendors, you will identify those that do not comply with your requirements, eliminate them from your selection process, and then select from the rest. It also means evaluating your current solutions...
by ITNS Consulting | | Best Practices, Business, Compliance, Cyber Resilience, Cyber Security, Free Resources
Wisconsin’s new cybersecurity law (Act73 – Insurance Data Security) was signed by Governor Tony Evers on July 15, 2021, and can be found in Wisconsin Statutes Subchapter IX of Chapter 601. Act73 – Insurance Data Security is aimed at protecting consumers...
by ITNS Consulting | | Compliance, Cyber Security
If you think that your cyber insurance claim will be cleared with no questions asked, think again. While reviewing your claim, your cyber insurance provider will assess whether you took “due care” to protect your business from being compromised by a cyber attack. If...
by ITNS Consulting | | Business, Cyber Security, Data Breach, Risk Management
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone in one way or another. If there is one category that most benefited from the pandemic, it’s cyber criminals. That’s why cyber crime has shot up by almost 300% since the start of the pandemic1 and that’s why you must adopt...
by ITNS Consulting | | Cyber Security, News, Tips
This article was written by Ryan Heidorn, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Steel Root. The article originally appeared in CISOMAG on November 20, 2020. ITNS Consulting has been allowed to re-post this content in its entirety with Ryan’s expressed permission. As if...